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Nintendo cuts 3DS price amid losses

Good news for people in the market for a portable video game system: Nintendo is slashing the price of its 3DS from $250 to $170, effective Aug. 12. Bad news...

‘Video Games Live’ recap: 4/7

Where else can you see an irate elf drop-kick an annoying fairy, and hear some of the best music from your favorite video games, all in one night? That’s...

Nintendo strikes back at E3 Expo

Nintendo is no longer the video giant it once was. This much is true. But neither is the game quite over. At the E3 Expo Tuesday in Los Angeles, Nintendo gave...

Weekend Reading

Google Chrome OS: Everything You Need to Know (Reuters) The Complete Guide to Google Wave The Sports Authority Gets Its Wii On (Kotaku) The Books That Founded...

Does ‘Super Mario Bros.’ compute?

Researchers in Denmark and London are trying to test the limits of artificial intelligence by seeing if a computer can beat the original Super Mario Bros...

My stars, where does the time go?

My friends and coworkers are rapidly surpassing me at Super Mario Galaxy. Most of them don’t have kids. I have two younglings, and that means I beat...

‘Super Mario Galaxy’ shines

Super Mario Galaxy is getting rave reviews. Was there ever any doubt that would happen? But even I, a longtime fan, am surprised by just how solid this game is...